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用英语写给朋友一封信告诉他一日三餐喜欢吃什么_用英语写给朋友 一封信 环球快看点

2023-04-29 18:54:30 来源:互联网


1、Dear mary, Thanks for your ***.Now,let me tell you the life from my school.I`m from No.3 school,and my school life is too hard.I speak English every day.I usually gets up early in the morning.Then Ido morning exercise in the open air.I study very hard,and I always listn to the teacher carefully. I have a good family.They are my father,my mother and ***.My mother is so beautiful.And my father is too fuuny.We are evry happy. I hope you can write to me soon. Yours, wei Fang。


